
Tim Worstall: The Dollar and the Euro

リンク: Tim Worstall: The Dollar and the Euro.A slightly breathless piece about the way in which the euro is becoming an alternative reserve currency to the dollar.All true, so far as it goes, except this might be a little overstated:US be…

大井町 中華料理「萬来園」 10月20日

出かけるのを楽しみに。 大井町 中華料理「萬来園」 10月20日

Roubini Global EconomiRussia, stabilizing speculator?cs (RGE) Monitor

リンク: Roubini Global Economics (RGE) Monitor. Brad Setser | Oct 16, 2006It seems the Russian central bank has been buying yen when no one else wanted too …Interesting. At one time, Russia was a source of global financial instability. Now…


http://netafull.net/blog/016246.html Google ブログ 役に立ちそうですが、通常のグーグル検索でもカバーできているのか、今回の検索で初めてブログの検索が可能になるのか、そのあたりがよくわからない。


Economist's View: Joseph Stiglitz Q & A

リンク: Economist's View: Joseph Stiglitz Q & A.Joseph Stiglitz Q & AA Q&A with Joseph Stiglitz: Q & A with Joseph Stiglitz, by Daniel Altman, Managing Globalization: We’re truly fortunate to have Joseph Stiglitz’s responses to readers’ qu…

吉冨勝 金融開放が資本自由化を促進、元暴落の必要条件に 2006/10/10(火) 08:18:03 [中国情報局]

リンク: 金融開放が資本自由化を促進、元暴落の必要条件に 2006/10/10(火) 08:18:03 [中国情報局].金融開放が資本自由化を促進、元暴落の必要条件に 2006/10/10(火) 08:18:03更新 写真:大 / 小 【特別インタビュー】北京五輪前に占う 今までの中国とこれか…

Marginal Revolution: Today's Nobel Prize in economics

リンク: Marginal Revolution: Today's Nobel Prize in economics. Today's Nobel Prize in economicsEdmund Phelps. Here is the announcement from Sweden. Here is his autobiography. He was born in Chicago in 1933 and now teaches at Columbia. Here…

Economist's View: Paul Krugman: The Paranoid Style

リンク: Economist's View: Paul Krugman: The Paranoid Style.Paul Krugman: The Paranoid StylePaul Krugman explains why the right is so paranoid:The Paranoid Style, by Paul Krugman, Commentary, NY Times: Last week Dennis Hastert, the speaker …

Haze in South East Asia

昨日かいたhazeの様子ですが、シンガポールの写真が載せられていたので。97年12月初旬のシンガポールのホテルでの週末を思い出します。風邪をこじらせてホテルのプールサイドで休んでいましたが、hazeがひどくあまり快適ではありませんでした。 http://www.g…

I went to QingDao, where TsingTao beer is made.

英語の教科書の例文のようなセンテンスです。楽しそう。 http://blogs.sun.com/AaronDailey/entry/mid_autumn_festival

トヨタなどがシンクタンク創設へ、顧問に前首相で調整 : 経済ニュース : 経済・マネー : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)

リンク: トヨタなどがシンクタンク創設へ、顧問に前首相で調整 : 経済ニュース : 経済・マネー : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞). トヨタなどがシンクタンク創設へ、顧問に前首相で調整 トヨタ自動車やキヤノンなどの大手企業が、国際政治や経済、安全保障など…


一流のジャーナリストはこのようにインタビューを物にするわけですね。 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2006/10/08/bob-woodward-cheney-curs_n_31232.html MR. WOODWARD: Well, he called to complain that I was quoting him about the meetings with Henr…

RGE - China’s future?

リンク: RGE - China’s future?.China’s future? Brad Setser | Sep 18, 2006The Bank of Korea is taking ongoing losses on its reserve holdings. South Korea's central bank may have a loss of as much as 3 trillion won ($3.1 billion) in 2006 beca…

RGE - The problem with fair value calculations … JP Morgan, the dollar and China

リンク: RGE - The problem with fair value calculations … JP Morgan, the dollar and China.The problem with fair value calculations … JP Morgan, the dollar and China Brad Setser | Sep 19, 2006Drausio Giacomelli’s model for long-term effectiv…



Farrah Fawcettがガンと闘っています。Charlie's Angel 懐かしいですね。

Farrah Fawcett

Economist's View: Stiglitz on Corruption

リンク: Economist's View: Stiglitz on Corruption.Stiglitz on CorruptionThis is a good follow-up to the post noting the release of The Bribe Payers Index. Here's Joseph Stiglitz on the need to reduce corruption in developing countries while…

週刊!木村剛 powered by ココログ: [フィナンシャル ジャパン] 円の凋落は始まっている

リンク: 週刊!木村剛 powered by ココログ: [フィナンシャル ジャパン] 円の凋落は始まっている.[フィナンシャル ジャパン] 円の凋落は始まっている 「フィナンシャル ジャパン」11月号掲載 『伯楽諫言』 (木村 剛 FJ編集長) 先日、今年3月末時点において…

Economist's View: Paul Krugman: The War Against Wages

リンク: Economist's View: Paul Krugman: The War Against Wages. Paul Krugman: The War Against WagesPaul Krugman looks at one war that is being won, the war against wages: The War Against Wages, by Paul Krugman, NY Times: Should we be cheeri…

Economist's View: Fraternal Twin Deficits

リンク: Economist's View: Fraternal Twin Deficits.Fraternal Twin DeficitsMenzie Chinn on the relationship between the current account and budget deficits: Twin deficits redux, by Menzie Chinn: On the current account deficit, "We have met t…

Economist's View: How Data Revisions Complicate Forecasting and Policy

リンク: Economist's View: How Data Revisions Complicate Forecasting and Policy.How Data Revisions Complicate Forecasting and PolicyEvan Koenig of the Dallas Fed looks at how "analysis that neglects data revisions can lead policymakers and …

Greg Mankiw's Blog: Globalization and the Phillips Curve

リンク: Greg Mankiw's Blog: Globalization and the Phillips Curve.Wednesday, October 04, 2006Globalization and the Phillips Curve Last week, I attended the Academic Consultants meeting at the Federal Reserve, where nerdy economics professor…

William J. Polley: October 2006 Archives

リンク: William J. Polley: October 2006 Archives.October 03, 2006Stiglitz on global imbalancesIn today's NY Times, Joseph Stiglitz takes on the topic of the hour. Most of it you have probably heard elsewhere. This part is not always mentio…

Economist's View: Fixing Global Imbalances

リンク: Economist's View: Fixing Global Imbalances.October 03, 2006Fixing Global ImbalancesIn this post from yesterday, Joseph Stiglitz explains how to solve global warming using WTO trade sanctions. Today he explains how to fix domestic a…

New Economist: China vs. India: which is more productive?

リンク: New Economist: China vs. India: which is more productive?.China vs. India: which is more productive?Last week I mentioned the new World Bank book Dancing with Giants: China, India and the global economy. There were also a series of…

Economist's View: More Promises

リンク: Economist's View: More Promises.More PromisesMore promises that higher real wage growth is just around the corner from Allan Hubbard and Edward Lazear: Coming of Wage By Allan Hubbard and Edward P. Lazear: ...In the past three year…

Los Angeles Times: Don't Let the Andes Trade Pact Expire

リンク: Los Angeles Times: Don't Let the Andes Trade Pact Expire. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-op-munoz1oct01,0,7968211.story?coll=la-news-comment-opinionsDon't Let the Andes Trade Pact ExpireFree-trade program has ben…

Economist's View: Free-Trade is Good

リンク: Economist's View: Free-Trade is Good.October 01, 2006Free-Trade is GoodAs a follow-up to this post noting some of the problems with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) for Mexico, here's an argument strongly supporting …


http://d.hatena.ne.jp/yjochi/ 酒盛りというとちょっとお酒をのむことがメインの目的と取られそうですが、実は、お酒を出すことによって、舌をなめらかにする、というところが大きいと思います。先輩、後輩の距離を縮め、多少無礼講状態にしていいたいこと…