
Season's Greeting

Dear Friends,I wish you the best for the season. In 2007, I hope to write more in this blog to communicate more closely with you.

Season's Greeting

Dear Friends,I wish you the best for the season. In 2007, I hope to write more in this blog to communicate more closely with you.

Greg Mankiw's Blog: Ford sums up Hayek

リンク: Greg Mankiw's Blog: Ford sums up Hayek.I don't know if Gerald Ford ever read economist Friedrich Hayek's Road to Serfdom (or if he speechwriters did), but this Ford quotation strikes me as a good one-sentence summary of the book:A …

Greg Mankiw's Blog: Chinese Competitors

リンク: Greg Mankiw's Blog: Chinese Competitors.Whenever I preach the benefits of unfettered international trade, I can count on a smart-aleck commenter saying something like, "Okay, Mankiw, let's see you compete in the world market agains…

Economist's View: FRB Dallas: The Perils of Using Preliminary Data

リンク: Economist's View: FRB Dallas: The Perils of Using Preliminary Data.Evan Koenig of the Dallas Fed has a nice discussion of how data revisions complicate monetary policy: Through a Glass, Darkly: How Data Revisions Complicate Monetar…



Eurozone Watch ? Slovenia and EMU: Lucky 13?

リンク: Eurozone Watch ? Slovenia and EMU: Lucky 13?.by Sebastian DullienWhen champagne bottles are opened to welcome the new year next Sunday night, the euro area will welcome member number 13: Slovenia. Unnoticed by most citizens of the …

Economist's View: Paul Krugman: A Failed Revolution

リンク: Economist's View: Paul Krugman: A Failed Revolution.The Republican revolution is over: A Failed Revolution, by Paul Krugman, Commentary, NY Times: After first attempting to deny the scale of last month’s defeat, the apologists have…

マット今井の「実践トレードのつぼ」: たまには紹介を

リンク: マット今井の「実践トレードのつぼ」: たまには紹介を.外為どっとコムの会員向けにデイリーのストラテジーを書き始めたので、最近はこちらのブログには、相場観のようなものをあまり書かなくなりました。 会員以外の方もご覧になっていらっしゃるか…







Economist's View: Stiglitz: Economic Risks in 2007

リンク: Economist's View: Stiglitz: Economic Risks in 2007.Joseph Stiglitz looks at the lessons to be learned from 2006, and the risks the U.S. and world economies face in 2007. He, along with many others (e.g. Larry Summers) believes that…

The Korea Herald : The Nation's No.1 English Newspaper

リンク: The Korea Herald : The Nation's No.1 English Newspaper. Current account surplus widens to record in Nov. Korea's current account surplus widened to a record $4.24 billion in November, as exports remained robust despite the won's co…

海外株式の配当金にかかる配当所得 : 税金 : マネー相談室 : マネー・経済 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)

リンク: 海外株式の配当金にかかる配当所得 : 税金 : マネー相談室 : マネー・経済 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞).Q. 海外株式の配当金にかかる、配当所得(所得税)の考え方を教えてください。私は日本国籍で日本国内居住者です。タイ国内の証券会社を利用…

Greg Mankiw's Blog: Fear of Asia

リンク: Greg Mankiw's Blog: Fear of Asia.His humility notwithstanding, Jay Matthews, the education columnist for the Washington Post, would have made a pretty good economist:I am not an international economist, to say the least. I had to s…

見えてきた中国のコーン純輸入国への転換|Klug クルーク

リンク: 見えてきた中国のコーン純輸入国への転換|Klug クルーク.原油価格の高騰を受けてコーンやサトウキビが燃料資源として注目が高まり、これらの農産物の燃料資源としての消費量が増加した結果、農産物の価格がボトムアップしています。 そのうち、バイ…




リンク: 近づいてきたドル崩壊.2006年12月26日 田中 宇 記事の無料メール配信 12月19日、東南アジアの国タイの平均株価が、史上最大幅の15%という暴落をした。各国の株価は1日に3%も下がったら、かなりの下落という感じなので、15%は崩…


日経金融にイラクの通貨の回復振りをが解説されている。あまりこちらの方は勉強したことがないが、うまい話題の選択だと思う。昨日のSouth China Moring Post(今後SCMPと略そう)は、中国工商銀行のIPOで同行の時価総額がHSBCを抜いたことを報じている。と…

People's Daily Online -- Dollar fluctuations have different impact inside and outside the U.S.

リンク: People's Daily Online -- Dollar fluctuations have different impact inside and outside the U.S..Since late November, the US dollar exchange rate index (level of 1973 = 100) continued to decline and broke through the support line of …



税制調査会会長 本間さん→伊藤さん


Economist's View: Republicans and the Deficit

リンク: Economist's View: Republicans and the Deficit.After so much lately about Democrats, politics, and the budget deficit, let's move to the other side of the political spectrum and look at Republicans, politics, and the budget deficit.…

Greg Mankiw's Blog: What changed?

リンク: Greg Mankiw's Blog: What changed?. In today's Washington Post, Sen. Byron Dorgan and Rep. Sherrod Brown write about How Free Trade Hurts. Here is a telling passage:At the turn of the 20th century, child labor was common; working co…

Byron Dorgan and Sherrod Brown - How Free Trade Hurts - washingtonpost.com

リンク: Byron Dorgan and Sherrod Brown - How Free Trade Hurts - washingtonpost.com. By Byron Dorgan and Sherrod BrownSaturday, December 23, 2006; Page A21 Fewer and fewer Americans support our government's trade policy. They see a shrinkin…

Yahoo!ニュース - タイ

リンク: Yahoo!ニュース - タイ.

US Internet Giants Fail to Break Into the Lucrative Chinese Market - Bobbie Johnson :: China Digital Times (CDT) 中国数字时代

リンク: US Internet Giants Fail to Break Into the Lucrative Chinese Market - Bobbie Johnson :: China Digital Times (CDT) 中国数字时代.

Angry Bear

リンク: Angry Bear.Monetary Policy in the Presence of an Outward Shift of the IS CurveDavid Altig takes my post on the fiscal-monetary policy mix (actually David was reading one of my comments to another Angrybear post where I made the sam…