
What does Web 2.0 mean?

Would there be something between liberalization of trade in services at WTO and Web2.0?リンク: My Life Between Silicon Valley and Japan - Web 2.0の本質は何だろう. 生産力のある国が自由貿易の名のもとに関税を自由化させると、どんなことが起こる…

What does Web 2.0 mean?

Would there be something between liberalization of trade in services at WTO and Web2.0?リンク: My Life Between Silicon Valley and Japan - Web 2.0の本質は何だろう. 生産力のある国が自由貿易の名のもとに関税を自由化させると、どんなことが起こる…

How "Global" is the Global EconomyKirk's Weblog : Weblog

リンク: Kirk's Weblog : Weblog.グローバルの定義が面白いHow "Global" is the Global EconomyEveryone thinks we live in a global economy. However of the top 500 Multi-National Enterprises (MNEs) only 1.8% are truely global. There are four type…