
Angry Bear

リンク: Angry Bear.Monetary Policy in the Presence of an Outward Shift of the IS CurveDavid Altig takes my post on the fiscal-monetary policy mix (actually David was reading one of my comments to another Angrybear post where I made the sam…

Ban-Bang-Bangkok! タイ非居住者のバーツ預金に上限

リンク: Ban-Bang-Bangkok! タイ非居住者のバーツ預金に上限.“再び” と言うことですので、以前にもバーツ預金の上限があったようですが、限度額はいくらなのでしょうか?でも、バーツ預金をしている日本人の人には、きにする必要がない高額な上限と思います…

Greg Mankiw's Blog: Krugman on the Deficit

リンク: Greg Mankiw's Blog: Krugman on the Deficit. Paul Krugman's column in the NY Times today is worth reading--even if, naturally, I disagree with a lot of it. (Reprinted by Brad DeLong.) I interpret Paul as being in the left-realpoliti…

Economist's View: Reich: An Introduction to Economic Populism

リンク: Economist's View: Reich: An Introduction to Economic Populism.Robert Rubin and Rubinomics are popular topics today. While Paul Krugman is advising Democrats to abandon Rubinomics in the post below this one, in this post Robert Reic…

Economist's View: "Moderating Growth Doesn't Change Inflation. Central Banks Change Inflation."

リンク: Economist's View: "Moderating Growth Doesn't Change Inflation. Central Banks Change Inflation.".Is the title, which quotes Richmond Fed President Jeffrey Lacker, correct? Or does moderating economic growth bring down inflation as c…

Old Boy : Weblog

リンク: Old Boy : Weblog.2012年 (これは京都議定書の期限、でもあるわけですが) までの、米国での「バイオマスエタノール 2,800万Kl」だって、それを米国産のトウモロコシだけで達成しようとすれば、そんなにスムースには行かない。国内の飼料価格が騰がる…

Forex Blog: PetroDollar peg drives US trade deficit

リンク: Forex Blog: PetroDollar peg drives US trade deficit.While the Yuan is currently rising at an annualized rate of 7% against the USD, China continues to earn the brunt of the ire of US politicians, who point to China’s nearly $200 Bi…

macroblog: How To Characterize Economic Policy In The 90's

リンク: macroblog: How To Characterize Economic Policy In The 90's.A comment made by pgl in one of yesterday's posts at Angry Bear caught my attention:And [why is chairman of Bush's Council of Economic Advisers Ed] Lazear opposed to my sug…